19 June 2011

Trust Quotes

  • "People ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and I ask them, why is it so hard to keep a promise."
  • "I'll start letting my guard down when people stop giving me reasons to keep it up. "
  • "I've learned the best way to prevent your heart from getting broken, is to act like you don't have one. "
  • "“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” -Golda Meir, 4th Prime Minister of Israel
  • "Never trust sheep. " -Ryan Stiles

And my favourite one of all, of course by the great William Shakespeare:

  • "This above all, to thine own self be true." -Hamlet

A clever interpretation of the quote:
"It means to first know thyself, who you are, why you behave, act, speak and react in the way you do. Know all that lurks in your subconscious driving your will at times to your destruction. To know your own mind and conquer it with mastery of will is to be true to oneself without compromise or egotism."

Christian Troy from Nip/Tuck

"God gave me a dick and I intend to glorify him by playing that organ as intensely and as often as possible."

"Once you've seen a woman's cumface, you've seen her soul."

"You want the wisdom to know the difference between what you can and can't change? Here's step 13: everything disappears. Love, trees, rocks, steel, plastic, human beings. None of us get out alive. Now you can huddle in a group and face it one day at a time, or you can be grateful that when your body rubs against somebody else's it explodes with enough pleasure to make you forget even for a minute that you're a walking pile of ashes. Now that is the truth. If you're strong it'll make you free, if you're weak, it'll make you... you."

06 June 2011

Vocal Geniuses - Angus & Julia Stone

The Australian brother-sister duo, Angus & Julia Stone, were introduced to me by a dear someone. Julia's voice reminds of Lykke Li's - they both possess such magical and unique voices.

"Its been days now, and you change your mind again...
it feels like years, and I can tell how time can bend your ideas"

Angus & Julia Stone - And The Boys (acoustic)

Angus & Julia Stone - You're the one that I want (Grease musical acoustic cover)

Angus & Julia Stone - For You (acoustic)

Angus & Julia Stone - Mango Tree (live)

Angus & Julia Stone - Santa Monica Dream (acoustic)

Too Big To Fail

Last night I watched the HBO film, Too Big To Fail, which centers around US Treasury Secretary - Henry Paulson - and his struggle during the 2008 financial meltdown. The movie spans over the few weeks in September and October of 2008 when...

Favourite Quotes

Recession Jokes

(Referring to Henry Paulson's $700bn bailout proposal to Congress in 2008)

(Referring to the $80bn Dubai Debt Crisis in 2009)

(Self-explanatory :P)

(My favourite one - banks need money - 'Recession style' bank robbery)

03 June 2011

Khaleesi: "Moon of my life, are you hurt?"

An emotional scene from the seventh episode of Game of Thrones titled 'You Win or You Die'

X-Men First Class

Favourite Quotes
"Charles Xavier: Listen to me very carefully, my friend: Killing will not bring you peace.
  1. Erik Lehnsherr: Peace was never an option."

"Colonel Hendry...
Sebastian Shaw"

And of course the breathtaking January Jones

01 June 2011

Lykke Li

Lykke Li has been my favourite musician ever since I heard 'Until We Bleed' years ago. I have absolutely loved almost every song shes made and so if I were to start posting my favourite videos of her this post would never end. I have tried to narrow down the list in an attempt to only include the special performances and truly powerful songs.

Lykke Li - Tonight (live acoustic)
This performance would even make Schwarzenegger or Stallone cry

Lykke Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone (live in the back of a cab)

Lykke Li - Little Bit (acoustic on the beach)